Environmental policy

“There is no general directive on how to behave ecologically on the Earth. However, sustainable development could be achieved as a sort of a collective educational process – together with scientists who improve their knowledge, with decision-makers who produce clear frameworks for us and with conscious citizens, behaving in a reasonable manner.”

Free quote from Reinhold Messner’s “UberLeben”, 2014.

At VIS Export-Import, WE ALL aim to behave in line with an analogous philosophy - not only in our professional career within the Company, but also in our private lifestyles.

Professionally, through the world´s largest certification system, the PEFC, which we hold since 2007 (certificate no. CZ002648-4), VIS Export-Import scrupulously supports sustainable forest management.

Thus, if applicable or respectively, if desired from our clients and partners, we are happy to provide them with the exact information about the origin of raw material of our wooden products.

The PEFC Chain of Custody certification offers an efficient mechanism for our Company to demonstrate alignment with the EU Timber
Regulation (EUTR) requirements – European regulation no. 995/2010 of the European Parliament.

Therefore, our products are fully recognised as reliable within Europen common market.